Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blockbuster Films

I am blogging on the new blockbuster films of the summer. The first film I am talking about is Thor, Few would have predicted that Marvel would select Kenneth Branagh to helm the story of Thor and his great big hammer, but thats exactly whats happened. In keeping with Marvels current approach to its films, its gone with relative unknowns for the main cast such as Chris Hemsworth is in the title role with Tom Hiddleston going againist him. There are more familiar faces like Brian Blessed and Natalie Portman, for starters. There is going to be a fair smattering of special effects too. The next film I am going to be blogging about is The Hangover 2. The original film was a pleasant surprise that help bolster Warner Bros summer takings back in 2008, raking in over 200M in the US alone. The first summer was a sleeper hit, but this sequel is imperative to the studios line up for summer 2011. All of the key players are returning in front of the camera, and Todd Phillips is back on directing duties too. And even appreciating that comedy sequels rarely capture the fun of the original. Expectations will be high for the Hangover 2. The last film I am blogging about is Transformers 3. Michael Bay is getting the old crowd back together  - Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Tyrese Gibson and Josh Duhamel - to run about while big robots smash seven shades out of one another round them. Joining in the effects carnage this time are Frances McDormand and John Malkovich, although the identity of the Transformers themselves are primarily kept between Michael Bay and his hard drive right now.
Bay is currently resisting plans to make the film 3D one way or another, but whether it is or isn't, this is going to be one of the very biggest films of the summer.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Thoughts On Citizen Kane

I think that silent films make you think more because you cant hear what the people are saying but you can see what theyre doing. I think the movie was kind of interesting and it was set in a weird place. I think the person who made the film was an odd person. I thought it was kind of weird the way it was made. I do not like silent films that much because you cannot hear what the characters are saying it kind of makes it hard but you have to pay good attention to understand whats going on.  I think the person who made this film must have been really bored. These movies arent my favorite to watch because I dont get whats going on some of time while watching the film. I think the film was alright even though I didnt much understand it.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Favourite Genre

I am writing about my favourite genre. I would probably say that hip hop or rap is my favourite kind of music to listen to. I think that some of the music is pretty good. I wouldnt say all the the rap or hip hop artists are great but some good artists I would say are good are Mac Miller, Young Jeezy and Ya Boy. These artists are more newer than the older ones in the past. I like this kind of music because of the good beats and the good rhymes that they make. I think that the people that listen to it understand what the artist has gone through in life.. I  would say that this is a good genre for some people to listen to if you like catchy beats and loud bass.  I think alot of people listen to these artists now and really like the music because it is very popular and alot of the music is all on the internet or on youtube. I like that you can just go on youtube type in  any song that you want hear. I think that the technology is just going to get better in the years and it will make listening to music alot easier. This is my blog about the genres i listen to I will show some youtube vidoes on the artists and music.